Sunday, October 7, 2012

Christopher Columbus Day


Around 5th Grade, I was young kid in my old Allen

Elementary School from Wichita, Kansas. I remember

about my Homeroom with Mr. Randall.  He was with

me and my classmates to learn and read on the

History Book about Christopher Columbus was a

famous Explorer.   We were reading on the book

in our table together.

Christopher Columbus 

Christopher was young.

Born:  Unknown, but before October 31, 1451

       Genoa, Republic of Genoa, in present-day


Christopher Columbus 2

He was older.

Died:  May 20, 1506 (aged c. 54)

       Valladolid, Spain


Burial shared in Seville, Spain and Santo Domingo,

Dominican Republic for few parts of bones of

deceased Christopher.

Christopher Burial Statue  Seville, Spain

Christopher Christopher Open Tomb Christopher Columbus Tomb

Christopher Columbus Tomb Box Christopher Columbus Headstone

Christopher Columbus Burial

Columbus’s remains were first interred at Valladolid,

then at the monastery of La Cartuja in Seville

(southern Spain) by the will of his son Diego, who

had been governor of Hispaniola.

In 1542 the remains were transferred to Colonial

Santo Domingo, in the present-day Dominican


In 1795, when France took over the entire island of

Hispaniola, Columbus’s remains were moved to Havana,

Cuba.  After Cuba became independent following the

Spanish-American War in 1898, the remains were moved

back to Spain, to the Cathedral of Seville, where

they were placed on an elaborate catafalque.


However, a lead bearing an inscription identifying

“Don Christopher Columbus” and containing bone

fragments and a bullet was discovered at Santo

Domingo in 1877.


To lay to rest claims that the wrong relics had

been moved to Havana and the Columbus’s remains

had been left buried in the cathedral at Santo

Domingo, DNA samples of the corpse resting in

Seville were taken in June 2003 (History Today

August 2003) as well as other DNA samples from

remains of his brother Diego and younger son

Fernando Colon.  Initial observations suggested

that the bones did not appear to belong to

somebody with the physique or age at death

associated with Columbus.  DNA extraction proved

difficult; only short fragments of miotochondrial

DNA could be isolated.  The mtDNA fragments matched

corresponding DNA from Columbus’s brother, giving

support that both individuals had shared the same

mother.  Such evidence, together with anthropologic

and historic analyses led the researchers to remains

there to be exhumed, so it is unknown if any of those

remains could be from Columbus’s body as well.

The location of the Dominican remains is in

“The Columbus Lighthouse” (Faro a Colon), in

Santo Domingo.

Christopher Columbus Burial House DR  Christopher Columbus Bural House 2 DR

Christopher Columbus Bural House 3 DR Christopher Columbus Insdie Burial House DR

Christopher Columbus Tomb Burial House DR 


We honor Christopher Columbus Day on Monday,

October 8, 2012. I saw some statues of the

Christopher in few places and cities, Union Station,

Washington, DC, Columbus Circle, New York City,

NY and Old Town, Old San Juan, PR.


cc ship cc touched on shore

First Voyage

On the evening of August 3, 1492, Columbus departed

from Palos de la Frontera with three ships:

a larger carrack, the Santa Maria ex-Gallega

(“Galician”), and two smaller caravels, the Pinta

(“Painted”) and the Santa Clara, nicknamed the Nina

(lit. “Girl”) after her owner Juan Nino of captained

by Columbus.  The Pinta and the Nina were piloted by

the Pinzon brothers (Martin Alonso and Vicente



Columbus first sailed to the Canary Islands, which

belonged to the Castile, where he restocked the

provisions and made repairs.  After stopping over

in Gran Canaria, he finally departed from San

Sebastin de La Gomera on 6 September, for what

turned out to be a five-week voyage across the

ocean.  A lookout on the Pinta, Rodrigo de Triana

(also known as Juan Rodriguez Bermeo), spotted

land about 2:00 on the morning of October 12, and

immediately alerted the rest of the crew with a

shout.  Thereupon, the captain of the Pinta,

Martin Alonso Pinzon, verified the discovery and

alerted Columbus by firing a lombard.  Columbus

later maintained that he himself had already seen

a light on the land a few hours earlier, thereby

claiming for himself the lifetime pension promised

by Ferdinand and Isabella to the first person to

sight land.


Columbus called the island (in what is now

The Bahamas) San Salvador, the natives called it

Guanahani.  Exactly which island in the Bahamas

this corresponds to is an unresolved topic;

prime candidates are Samana Cay, Plana Cays, or

San Salvador Island (so named in 1925 in the

belief that it was Columbus’s San Salvador).

The indigenous people he encountered, the Lucayan,

Taino or Arawak, were peaceful and friendly.  From

the October 12, 1491 entry in his journal he wrote

of them, “Many of the men I have seen have scars on

their bodies, and when I made signs to them to find

out how this happened, they indicated that people

from the mainland come here to take them as slaves.

They ought to make good and skilled servants, for

they repeat very whatever we say to them.  I think

they can very easily be made Christians, for they

seem to have no religion.  If it pleases our Lord,

I will take six of them to Your Highnesses when I

depart, in order that they may learn our language.”

He remarked that their lack of modern weaponry and

even metal-forged swords or pikes was a tactical

vulnerability, writing, “I could conquer the whole

of them with 50 men, and govern them as I pleased.”


Columbus also explored the northeast coast of Cuba,

where he landed on October 28.  On November 22,

Martin Alonso Pinzon took the Pinta on an

unauthorized expedition in search of an island

called “Babeque” or “Baneque”, which the natives

had told him was rich in gold.  Columbus, for his

part, continued to the northern coast of Hisponiola,

where he landed on December 5.


There, the Santa Maria ran aground on Christmas Day

1492 and had to be abandoned.  Columbus was received

by the native cacique Guacanagari, who gave him

permission to leave some of his men behind.  Columbus

left 39 men, including Luis de Torres, the Converso

interpreter, who spoke Hebrew and Arabic, and founded

the settlement of La Navidad at the site of present-

day Mole-Saint-Nicolas, Haiti.  He kept sailing along

the northern coast of Hispaniola with a single ship,

until he encountered Pinzon and the Pinta on

January 6.


On January 13, 1493 Columbus made his last stop in

the new World.  He landed on the Samana Peninsula

where he met the hostile Ciguayos who presented

him and his only violent resistance during his first

voyage to the Americas.  Because of this, and the

Ciguayos’ use of arrows, he called the inlet where

he met them the Bay of Arrows (or Gulf of Arrows). 

Today the place is called the Bay of Rincon, in

Samana, the Dominican Republic.  Columbus kidnapped

about 10 or 25 natives and took them back with him

(only seven or eight of the natives Indians arrived

in Spain alive, they made quite an impression on



Columbus headed for Spain, but another storm forced

him into Lisbon.  He anchored next to the King’s

harbor patrol ship on March 4, 1493 in Portugal. 

After spending more than one week in Portugal, he

set sail for Spain.  He crossed the bar of Saltes

and entered the harbor of Palos on March 15, 1493.

World of his finding new lands rapidly spread

throughout Europe. 


Friday, August 17, 2012

America: Unemployment Rise and Presidential Election


Today, I learned to read this USA TODAY website. 

I am not pleased with 2 issues regarding:


1.) 44 States rose Unemployment Rate since July.

My Florida finally rose 8.8% Unemployment Rate,

Governor Rick Scott certainly is embarrass by

himself.  Yes, He is a Republican.  Other States

with Unemployment Number List: 1. Nevada is

highest rate in the nation, though it’s still

much lower than a year ago, when it was 13.8%.

The rate rose 12% in July from 11.6% the previous

month.  2. North Carolina have 9.6% rate.




And the Republican National Convention starts in

Tampa, FL effective August 27th to 30th.  Secondly,

Democratic National Convention starts in Charlotte,

North Carolina effective September 3rd to 6th.


USA TODAY is heading this title.  Please click this

bold headline.

Romney declines Obama offer on tax releases

In a reference to the first presidential debate on

October 3rd, Rhodes also told Messina: “See you

in Denver.”  Why did the first presidential debate

choose Denver, Colorado?  Because you should know

about what happened in Colorado following fire

destroyed the houses outside of the Colorado Springs

and James Holmes of San Diego, California,

Murder invaded inside the Cinema Theater where he

started to shoot some moviegoers in Aurora,

outside of Denver last July.  That is very tough for

People of Colorado to see and listen at the first

presidential debate on October 3rd before Colorado

will have very massive tough to elect for Romney or

Obama on November 6th, Election Day.  Good luck,




Sunday, August 5, 2012

Brent’s First Paid on Vacation 1994


I remembered about my former employment

with Boatmen’s First National Bank of

Kansas City, Missouri.  I used to live

in there for 3 years (1992-1995) before

moved in Key West, Florida for 6 months

(Summer to Fall 1995).

During Year of 1994, I took my first Paid

on 2 Weeks Vacation, I travel on Amtrak

Train between Kansas City via St. Louis,

Missouri to New Orleans, Louisiana before

visit to see my old friend in Biloxi, Mississippi

for 4 days.  I had bad and good experiences in

there.  I returned to New Orleans again before

flew to Miami, Florida when my old other friend

and I met in the airport during night time.

We went to his home in Miami Beach, Florida so

I stayed in there for 4 days.   


Next morning, My friend went to work while I got

out and walked on Collins Avenue where I saw

something around the Youth Hostel.  I realized

at Film Production Company’s Recreational

Vehicle and Truck where I saw a original Actor,

Sylvester Stallone and Actress, Sharon Stone on

the scene.   This film called “The Specialist”.


The Specialist


The Specialist is a 1994 American action film

from Warner Bros. Pictures.


In 1984, explosives experts working the CIA,

Captain Ray Quick and Colonel Ned Trent, are

on a mission to blow up a car transporting a

South American drug dealer.  But when the dealer’s

car appears, a little girl is inside.  Ray insists

they abort the mission but Ned intends to see it

through and allows the explosion to happen.

Angered by the girl’s wrongful death, Ray beats

Ned up savagely and their partnership ends…


Slyvester Stallone

This is Sylvester Stallone.  How old was he?

He was age of 48 during action of the scene.

Sharon Stone

This is Sharon Stone.  How old was she?

She was age of 36 during with Sylvester on the


I witnessed on them while I kept distant from

scene.   How old was I?  I was age of 28.

I never forget them on my life.

2 Months to Go for Election 2012


Time always fly away!  We will forward to

see and listen over the 2012 Presidential Debate

before make a final decision to elect on 6th Day

of November.


I got a mail from my Hillsborough County Election

Board last month.  I have a Voter Card.  I will

get a vote mail instead of attend to the Polling.


I will have a photo opportunity with my vote mail

before Election Day.   I will post it on my new

blog for you.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

U.S. Mail is going in hot water without assistance?


Follow the History.

The first postal service in America arose in

February 1692, when a grant from King William

and Queen Mary empowered Thomas Neale “to

erect, settle and establish within the chief

parts of their majesties’ colonies and

plantations in America, an office or

offices for the receiving and dispatching

letters and pacquets, and to receive, send

and deliver the same under such rates and sums

of money as the planters shall agree to give,

and to hold and enjoy the same for the term

of twenty-one years.


Benjamin Franklin

The United States Post Office (USPO)

was created in Philadelphia under

Benjamin Franklin on July 26, 1775,

by decree of the Second Continental

Congress.  Based on the Postal Clause in

Article One of the United States Constitution,

empowering Congress “To establish post offices

and post roads”, it became the Post Office

Department (USPOD) in 1792. 


237th Age of the US Mail


Yesterday, July 26, 2012 passed.  Sad to see

bad news following the heavy debts and finance

in hot water now,  The USPS employs over 574,000

workers and operates over 218,000 vehicles.

The USPS is the operator of the largest vehicle

fleet in the world.  The USPS is legally obligated

to serve all Americans, regardless of geography, at

uniform price and quality. The USPS has exclusive

access to letter boxes marked “U.S. Mail” and

personal letterboxes in the United States, but still

completes against private package delivery services,

such as UPS and FedEx.

On December 5, 2011 the USPS announced it would close

more than half of its mail processing centers,

eliminate 28,000 jobs and end overnight delivery of

first-class mail.  This will close down 252 of its

461 processing centers.  On December 13, 2011 the

USPS agreed to delay the closing of 252 mailing

processing centers as well as 3,700 local post

offices until mid-May 2012.

The USPS has not directly received taxpayer-

dollars since the early 1980s with the minor

exception of subsides for costs associated

with the disabled and overseas voters.

However, it does receive tens to hundreds of

millions per year in “implicit subsides”,

such as breaks on property tax, vehicle

registration, and sales tax, in addition to

subsidized government loans.  Since the 2006

all-time peak mail volume, after which Congress

passed the “Postal Accountability and Enhancement

Act”, (which mandated $5.5 billion per year to

be paid into an account to per-fund retiree

health-care, 75 years into the future --

a requirement unique to this agency), revenue

dropped sharply due to recession-influenced

declining mail volume, prompting the postal

service to look to other sources of revenue

while cutting costs to reduce its budget deficit.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Gas Price: Cheaper Vs. Costly


2012 Gas Price Average: $3.52 is in United States.

Do you think this current gas price is cheap or

costly? Yes, Our Gas Price is very costly and worst

in Summer 2012 than early 1910’s, 20’s, 30’s, 40’s,

50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s before January 20, 2009-

Barack Obama become 44th President of the United

States of America.


Who did create this new machine?  We start to tube

in our Time electronically.  We stand

and see very shine morning outside on the dirty

brown path with full of green land before

new thing come and smoke out in there.

What is it?   See this…

Ford T- Model Display    

1919 Ford Model - T

The New Machine named the Ford Motors to birth

Model T (Touring) automobile in the plain land of

Michigan in October 1, 1908 after the marketing of

Model T established in the new Ford Motor Company

including the factory in Dearborn, Michigan,

a suburb of Detroit in June 16, 1903. 


Sales passed 250,000 in 1914. 

By 1916, as the price dropped to $360 for the

basic touring car, sales reached 472,000.

Remember, The Model T was introduced on

October 1, 1908.  It had the steering wheel

on the left, which every other company soon

copied.  The engine and transmission were

enclosed; the four cylinders were cast in a

solid block; the suspension used two

semi-elliptic springs.  The car was very

simple to drive, and easy and cheap to repair.

It was so cheap at $825 in 1908 ($21,340 today)

(the price fell every year) that by the 1920s,

a majority of American drivers had learned to

drive on the Model T.


Okay,… Who was our President of the United States

of America during the Ford Motors Company

established on June 16, 1903 nor the

Ford Model T introduced on October 1, 1908?

See this photo of our past President…

Theodore Roosevelt


What was the Gas Price in 1900’s ?   It was

25 cents per gallon.  Do you think this Gas Price

was very cheaper in 1900’s than the current Gas

Price, $3.52 is very costly? Why? Because the

former Republican President George W. Bush

George W Bush 

begun to order the War Against the President

Saddam Hussein of Iraq was tranny nor

caused to rise the Gas Price badly.  What will United

States Congress and President Obama do with current

costly Gas Price today?  Will they promise to adjust

and recover from costly to cheaper Gas Price?  How?


The 2012 Presidential Election is here.  Will you

vote for our current Democrat President Barak Obama

or Republican Candidate for President, Mitt Romney?

Barack Obama Mitt Romney

We are waiting to see our Presidential Debate on

Fall 2012 before will decide to elect for President

Obama or Candidate for President, Romney on Election

Day, November 6, 2012.  Good luck!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy 4th July…


I read on The White House website today. 

It reminds me and Americans to remember about

Independence Day.  It is very important on US

History to me and Americans. We enjoy and

celebrate our age is being 236th of the Independence

Day. Let me share with my story about 1776-1976 was

age of 200th.  I sent a old black / white photo in

my message video to my Dad.  He enjoyed it.  I was

being very young Scout Cub. 

1975 Cub Scouts with Police Car at EH 

Where was I ?  Look for Brent.  What do you think?

In 1976, President Gerald Ford marked the nation’s

bicentennial with a series of celebrations across

the country. Among the many unique events was the

Bicentennial Wagon Train Pilgrimage, where covered

wagons converged in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania after

crossing the nation on historic trails. President

Ford, who was raised in Michigan, boarded the

Michigan wagon at the encampment in Valley Forge

State Park.

Over the years, Presidents have celebrated

Independence Day with commemorative ceremonies,

White House picnics, family gatherings, and of

course, fireworks. Some Presidents preferred to

relax away from the White House – Lyndon B. Johnson

traditionally spent the holiday at his ranch in

Stonewall, Texas.  Others have traced the history of

the holiday with visits to Independence Hall in


Liberty Bell Cracked Liberty Bell

The Liberty Bell is an original.  The Liberty Bell was broken, but can not repair it. God bless Brent, Liberty Bell and the United States of America.

Brent and Liberty BellIndependence Hall Building

Independence Hall is a U.S. national landmark located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Chestnut Street between 5th and 6th Streets. Known primarily as the location where both the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution were debated and adopted.The building was completed in 1753 as the Pennsylvania State House for the Province of Pennsylvania. It became the principal meeting place of the Second Continental Congress from 1775 to 1783 and was the site of the Constitution Convention in the summer of 1787. The building is part of Independence National Historical Park and is listed as a World Heritage Site.

Enterance of Independence HallAssembly Room inside the Independence Hall

The Entrance Door is in Independence Hall. The beautiful fireplace is behind the desk.

First President George Washington DeskBeautiful Crystal Ceiling Light

President George Washington's desk is in the Assembly Room. The Crystal Light is oldest beautiful candle holder.

Symbol on WallInk and Feather

The symbol designed by the hands. The Ink and Feather is a historical display for Signatures of the Assembly including President George Washington, Declaration of the Independence, US Constitution, Bill of the Rights and We The People.

Statue of President George WashingtonClock Tower on Independence Hall

The statue of President George Washington stands in front of the Independence Hall. Clock Tower is located in the Independence Hall.


The oldest watch made by the hands.

Happy 236th Independence Day!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Boston, Mass… Remember?


On Monday afternoon, July 2, 2012 

I sit and watch my favorite movie,

“America: Story of US” – “Rebels”

addressing from Jamestown to Plymouth,

early settlers fight to survive; Tobacco

sows seeds of opportunity in the south

and the north a trade powerhouse.

A view of the Boston, Mass.,  I see a

history place showing a lot of 200 sails

arrive from British to the fort of Boston.

British soldiers walk and push some rage

people rudely before enter inside the

warehouse where the first Black slaves imported

after exhort their tobaccos / rums to and from

Africa beginning 1700 – 1800.

I recollect about my Childhood life following

my Emery Hall Elementary School at Kansas State

School for the Deaf during Fall 1974.  I saw my

3rd Grade Teacher, Mrs. Nancy Crews to sign her

messages to me and my classmates while she showed

some black and white pictures with special film

on light projector to the white screen roller.

We learned to see some b/w pictures with history

of the “Bloody Massacre” showing the British soldiers

shot their guns to men down to the awful ground.


Click this The Boston Massacre.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

America: The Story of US


2 Days to go..for July 4th -

Independence Day is coming this Wednesday.

Most US, State and Local Governments, Banks and US

Postal traditionally close on Holiday.  We honor

our Birth of Independence Day since July 4, 1776.

How age is America?  236 is age of our country.

America The Story of US

This is my favorite movie is calling “America:

The Story of US”.  It addresses a six-part,

12-Hour documentary television miniseries that

premiered on April 25, 2010, on History.

Produced by Nutopia, the program depicts over

400 years of America history (with emphasis on

the creation, trials and effects of new technologies

by Americans on America’s history and by

implication, the world) spanning from the successful

English settlement of Jamestown on May 14, 1607,

through to the present day.


1. “Rebels”  From Jamestown to Plymouth, early

settlers fight for survival. Tobacco sows the

seeds of opportunity; the north becomes a powerhouse

of trade.  Tension, taxation, and resistance causes

the American colonists to begin doing what many

consider impossible: to successfully rebel against

the British Empire.

2.  “Revolution”  George Washington’s army is near

defeat, but new weapons and battle tactics turn the

tide.  The colonies declare independence form the

British Empire.  Forged through revolution, a new

nation is born.

3.  “Westward”  Trailblazing pioneers set out to

conquer the west, but find the land already

claimed.  Wagon trains meet hardship on the road

to California’s gold.  The steamboat ushers in

a new era of commerce, industry, and unprecedented


4.  “Division”  Commerce and industry thrive across

the new nation, now one of the wealthiest in the

world.  The Erie Canal brings big risk and bigger

reward.  In the South, cotton is king but slavery

fuels a growing divide.  Violence flares across the

territories and abolitionists make a stand from

freedom.  The election of Abraham Lincoln is

harbinger of war.

5.  “Civil War”  The American Civil War rages.

The formidable Confederate army cannot match the

Union’s mastery of technology; railroads, supply

lines and the telegraph become new weapons in modern


6.  “Heartland”  The Transcontinental Railroad

unties the nation and transforms the American

Heartland.  Native American civilizations decline

as farmers settle the continent.  Cattle replace

wild buffalo as king of the Great Plains.

The cowboy becomes a new American icon.

7.  “Cities”  Americans conquer a new frontier:

the modern city, with Andrew Carnegie’s empire of

steel as its backbone.  Skyscrapers and the Statue

of Liberty are symbols of the American Dream for

millions of immigrants. Urban life introduces a

new breed of social ills, causing several bold

individuals to make a stand.

8.  “Boom” America strikes oil and the boom time

begins.  Henry Ford brings the motorcar to the

masses and the nation hits the road.  Massive

engineering projects modernize the American West.

Intended to cure vice, Prohibition fuels the growth

of organized crime in burgeoning cities.

9.  “Bust”  Boom turns to bust when the stock market

crashes.  The Great Depression and Dust Bowl blanket

the nation in darkness.  President Franklin D.

Roosevelt’s New Deal signals recovery, while boxer

Joe Louis overcomes racial disputes to help bring

America’s pride back.

10.  “World War II”  The attack of Pearl Harbor

brings America into World War II.  The war effort

revitalizes the nation’s economy. 

American innovation and manufacturing might

invigorate the Allies in Europe and in the Pacific,

nuclear weapons help end the war.

11.  “Superpower”  America becomes a global

superpower; technology fuels a boom in the

economy and the population.  American pioneers

conquer new frontiers, from the jet age to the

space age, and run headlong into a new threat:


12.  “Millennium” In 2001, the September 11 attacks

fuel the War on Terror and America continues its

growing journey towards the future, whatever it may


Thursday, June 28, 2012

United States Supreme Court Upheld the Obama Health Care Law


I am very pleased with a great decision with the U.S.

Justices on the Obama Health Care Law.  It is better

for Americans who get most improved health

insurances under the Affordable Care Act.  I think

all Americans will need to buy important health

insurances before 2014.

You can surf and read some links:

Obama: Supreme Court ruling on health care a victory for all Americans - 

Supreme Court upholds individual mandate, ObamaCare survives - Fox News 

Supreme Court upholds Obama's health-care law - The Washington Post


US Supreme Court Justices

In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court upheld the

individual mandate—the requirement that all

Americans obtain health insurance by 2014—at the

heart of the health-care law.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012



I decide to write back today than did not write

for very long time. I finally moved in my new

apartment than left old apartment for 2 years.

I realized and saw pretty Tropical Storm beginning

Saturday, June 24, 2012 and ending Tuesday,

June 26, 2012.

florida map with rain

What do you think this map of Florida with Tropical

Storm?  Hurricane Debby will come through above

Florida than Tampa and Orlando.  It will not hit

them.  Speed probably being 40 to 60 mph. 

We will see on TV News about more Debby soon.