Thursday, June 28, 2012

United States Supreme Court Upheld the Obama Health Care Law


I am very pleased with a great decision with the U.S.

Justices on the Obama Health Care Law.  It is better

for Americans who get most improved health

insurances under the Affordable Care Act.  I think

all Americans will need to buy important health

insurances before 2014.

You can surf and read some links:

Obama: Supreme Court ruling on health care a victory for all Americans - 

Supreme Court upholds individual mandate, ObamaCare survives - Fox News 

Supreme Court upholds Obama's health-care law - The Washington Post


US Supreme Court Justices

In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court upheld the

individual mandate—the requirement that all

Americans obtain health insurance by 2014—at the

heart of the health-care law.

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