Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Gas Price: Cheaper Vs. Costly


2012 Gas Price Average: $3.52 is in United States.

Do you think this current gas price is cheap or

costly? Yes, Our Gas Price is very costly and worst

in Summer 2012 than early 1910’s, 20’s, 30’s, 40’s,

50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s before January 20, 2009-

Barack Obama become 44th President of the United

States of America.


Who did create this new machine?  We start to tube

in our Time electronically.  We stand

and see very shine morning outside on the dirty

brown path with full of green land before

new thing come and smoke out in there.

What is it?   See this…

Ford T- Model Display    

1919 Ford Model - T

The New Machine named the Ford Motors to birth

Model T (Touring) automobile in the plain land of

Michigan in October 1, 1908 after the marketing of

Model T established in the new Ford Motor Company

including the factory in Dearborn, Michigan,

a suburb of Detroit in June 16, 1903. 


Sales passed 250,000 in 1914. 

By 1916, as the price dropped to $360 for the

basic touring car, sales reached 472,000.

Remember, The Model T was introduced on

October 1, 1908.  It had the steering wheel

on the left, which every other company soon

copied.  The engine and transmission were

enclosed; the four cylinders were cast in a

solid block; the suspension used two

semi-elliptic springs.  The car was very

simple to drive, and easy and cheap to repair.

It was so cheap at $825 in 1908 ($21,340 today)

(the price fell every year) that by the 1920s,

a majority of American drivers had learned to

drive on the Model T.


Okay,… Who was our President of the United States

of America during the Ford Motors Company

established on June 16, 1903 nor the

Ford Model T introduced on October 1, 1908?

See this photo of our past President…

Theodore Roosevelt


What was the Gas Price in 1900’s ?   It was

25 cents per gallon.  Do you think this Gas Price

was very cheaper in 1900’s than the current Gas

Price, $3.52 is very costly? Why? Because the

former Republican President George W. Bush

George W Bush 

begun to order the War Against the President

Saddam Hussein of Iraq was tranny nor

caused to rise the Gas Price badly.  What will United

States Congress and President Obama do with current

costly Gas Price today?  Will they promise to adjust

and recover from costly to cheaper Gas Price?  How?


The 2012 Presidential Election is here.  Will you

vote for our current Democrat President Barak Obama

or Republican Candidate for President, Mitt Romney?

Barack Obama Mitt Romney

We are waiting to see our Presidential Debate on

Fall 2012 before will decide to elect for President

Obama or Candidate for President, Romney on Election

Day, November 6, 2012.  Good luck!

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