Sunday, August 5, 2012

Brent’s First Paid on Vacation 1994


I remembered about my former employment

with Boatmen’s First National Bank of

Kansas City, Missouri.  I used to live

in there for 3 years (1992-1995) before

moved in Key West, Florida for 6 months

(Summer to Fall 1995).

During Year of 1994, I took my first Paid

on 2 Weeks Vacation, I travel on Amtrak

Train between Kansas City via St. Louis,

Missouri to New Orleans, Louisiana before

visit to see my old friend in Biloxi, Mississippi

for 4 days.  I had bad and good experiences in

there.  I returned to New Orleans again before

flew to Miami, Florida when my old other friend

and I met in the airport during night time.

We went to his home in Miami Beach, Florida so

I stayed in there for 4 days.   


Next morning, My friend went to work while I got

out and walked on Collins Avenue where I saw

something around the Youth Hostel.  I realized

at Film Production Company’s Recreational

Vehicle and Truck where I saw a original Actor,

Sylvester Stallone and Actress, Sharon Stone on

the scene.   This film called “The Specialist”.


The Specialist


The Specialist is a 1994 American action film

from Warner Bros. Pictures.


In 1984, explosives experts working the CIA,

Captain Ray Quick and Colonel Ned Trent, are

on a mission to blow up a car transporting a

South American drug dealer.  But when the dealer’s

car appears, a little girl is inside.  Ray insists

they abort the mission but Ned intends to see it

through and allows the explosion to happen.

Angered by the girl’s wrongful death, Ray beats

Ned up savagely and their partnership ends…


Slyvester Stallone

This is Sylvester Stallone.  How old was he?

He was age of 48 during action of the scene.

Sharon Stone

This is Sharon Stone.  How old was she?

She was age of 36 during with Sylvester on the


I witnessed on them while I kept distant from

scene.   How old was I?  I was age of 28.

I never forget them on my life.

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