Thursday, December 1, 2011

John and Joseph Yehs’ Sentencing Day


john yeh Joseph Yeh

John Yeh                              Joseph Yeh

On November 30, 2011 – Trenton, NJ

I saw some live text messaging with iDeaf News on Facebook

while my netbook sat on my lap and watched TV in my room.

I was surprised about John and Joseph Yeh with their

families and two Attorneys in the Court Room at the U.S.

District Court beginning 9:30 AM, EST.   John ‘s 3 deaf prominent

friends as Supporters: Dr. Robert Davila, Dr. Frank Turk and

Alfred Sonnsenstrahl were Witnesses in the Court Room.

Bob Davila Dr. Robert Davila

frankturk2 Dr. Frank Turk

Alfred Sonnenstrahl

Alfred Sonnenstrahl

Each of Witness was addressing for John’s Behalf while

Defendant Attorneys and Prosecutors inquired to them

before The Honorable Judge Joseph A. Pisano completed

to hear from some messages of Witnesses, Defendant

Attorneys and Prosecutor Attorneys. 

Judge made his decision and sentenced 108 months to

John Yeh and 55 months to Joseph Yeh.  

John and Joseph will send into the U.S. Prison in Chumberland,

Maryland effective January 2012.   Joseph will release on 2016

before John will release on 2021.

Click on iDeaf News and see Seth Gerlis 

Click on YouTube and see John's Messages

I never forget John since I was former student from MSSD

of 1986-87 before met him in the DeafNation Expo in

Phoenix, AZ during year of 2005.   He was a nice guy but

Deaf people and I did not know about his terrible hidden

fraud.   We are sad to see and sympathy on John and

Joseph and their families having a massive difficult time.

John and Joseph are not alike to Bernie Madoff as

infamous Investment Broker in New York City, NY.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011



150px-Pan_Am_Logo_svg  I remember this famous airline,

PAN AM.  I used to ride this airplane, Boeing 747

with  220px-Pan_Am_Boeing_747_at_Zurich_Airport_in_May_1985  for one way

from Los Angeles International Airport, California to

Honolulu International Airport, Hawaii on my first time,

April 1988.

Let me share this history….,  I took Christmas Break ‘90

from National Technical Institute for the Deaf in a campus

of the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY

when I took the Amtrak Train when a group of deaf college

students were residents of New York City and I rode together.

Amtrak ran from Rochester Station to many city stations via

Albany Amtrak Station to final destination, famous Grand

Terminal Station, Manhattan, New York City, NY. 

220px-Pan_Am_Building,_NYC,_1980s  Our Amtrak Train arrived there after I told

and asked deaf Puerto Rican-American for an assistance so I

was scared to see strange world.  He smiled and guided me with

him when we wait for his white hearing girlfriend to come and

meet us in few minutes.  Then, she arrived at us, he told her

about me.  She understood me and asked us to walk with her

to the MTA Window Booth where we stop and got free map of

the subway.  She explained me about how to get my Youth

Hostel International from the Grand Terminal Station.  I felt

confidence and get ready to get a train from the Grand Terminal

Station to my hostel.   See this photo:  I did not know about

the PAN AM Building is behind the Grand Terminal Station.


I arrived my hostel from the 103rd Subway safely.  I checked in

and got a room for one night.  

US_Air-logo-890B8A201F-seeklogo_com Until morning rain was here, I

checked out of the hostel and got back to the Subway via the

Yellow Cab to the La Guardia Airport where I got in the USAir

Terminal.  I flew with USAir airplane to Miami International

Airport, Florida and checked in the Youth International Hostel

in Miami Beach, Florida for one night.  Until Early Morning,  I

checked out of the hostel and rode in the taxi back to the

Miami International Airport again.  I arrived the USAir Terminal

before I took the USAir jet aircraft to Key West Airport, Florida.

See 2 photos:

imagesCAAC032N Miami International Airport

imagesCADXQMU6 Key West International Airport

On Beautiful Sunny Day,  I enjoyed viewing the beautiful island

of Key West on my first time.  USAir airplane was flying down

and touched on the runaway safely.  I walked out of the airplane

beautiful outside and entered the gate and baggage area where

picked up my luggage.  I asked the taxi driver to take me to

the Key West Hostel.

I walked outside the hostel and enjoyed looking around the

on Duval Street in Downtown.  I found a historic sign and place.

See a photo: 220px-Pam_American_World_Airways_Office

See and read this links:



Monday, September 12, 2011

My First Time with Braniff International


Braniff Logo  I am telling my story to you all.

I remembered about Braniff International Airways service in

America.  I was 7 years old.  My 3rd Grade Teacher took me

and my classmates to the Kansas City International Airport,

Missouri from Kansas School for the Deaf, Olathe, Kansas

during Fall 1974.   We visited to the Braniff International

Terminal when I begun to see and learn on airplane including

inside the cabin, cockpit, galley and restroom.  Pilot gave

some small toy paper aircraft to me and my classmates while

we stand with him in front of the airplane door inside the

walkway.  I did not fly this airplane yet.

Blue Braniff Intternational Later until Summer 1979, 

I was 13 with my Mother and Grandma inside the gate of

Mid-Continent Airport, Wichita, Kansas.  We saw nice design of

the Braniff airplane following the photo.  It arrived to our gate.

My Mother was not going with me and my Grandma, we hugged,

kissed and left her.  Grandma and I walked together inside the

walkway and arrived to the airplane.  Grandma presented our

tickets to Stewdress before entered the airplane.  We greeted

at crew friendly.  Pilot asked us if I want to see inside the

cockpit.   Grandma and I looked around it when I saw my

Mother in front of the window gate from cockpit window.

I started to wave over her when she begun to see me before

wave her hand to me and Grandma. I never forget this action.


Few minutes later,  we belted our seats together.  I sat on

window seat next to Grandma sat on center seat. Our airplane

started to run from the gate to the runaway while we saw

Stewdress to instruct the Safety issue to us and passengers.

Stewdresses checked on us and passengers to use our belts and

their belts safely before they walked back to galley seat. 

Our airplane started to get high speed and run, run, run,… I felt

very nervous when my hands tight on the handle while Grandma

hold my hand easily and I witnessed on window and finally ran

off the runway.  I was very thrilled to see beautiful white clouds

in air and full of green land.

Inside our cabin, I saw some Stewdresses carried the beverage

tray to passengers and us.  I took a Orange Juice and Grandma

took same drink.  We enjoyed viewing over the clouds.  Grandma

and Passengers heard the speaker, I was unable to hear it and

enjoyed drinking.  Grandma told me about our airplane will fly

down to the runaway of Kansas City International Airport,

Missouri least 1 hour.

Few minutes, we finished drinking our drinks before Stewdress

collected our empty drinks away before we belted together.  

I saw near the green land, my hands tight on handle again.

Our airplane touched on the runaway safely.  It run down to low

speed well.   I saw some different airplanes (United Airlines

Delta Airlines) terminal.    Passengers, Grandma and I got up

and walked together to exit the airplane when we thanked our

crew friendly.

Grandma and I carried our 2 small bags with us and walked out

of front terminal and wait for airport bus to other terminal where

we took a different airline, North Central Airlines under the

Republic Airlines.

North Central Airlines Logol  North Central Airlines Plane

We arrived at the North Central Airlines Ticket Counter.

Grandma gave our tickets to agent before waited for our

beautiful historical airplane on the ground while we were

in the front window gate.  Few minutes until boarding time,

we walked downstairs out of the gate and inside the airplane

on my first time.  I saw inside the cabin describing big cozy

seat and large window like time of the 1940’s.   Grandma sat

on window seat and my aisle seat.   The airplane door closed

before the fan started to speed up and ran to the runaway.

It got higher speed and ran up to air, I enjoyed viewing the

large window.  Grandma and I enjoyed talking together before

Steward carried a beverage tray to us,  we took our Coke drinks.

Our airplane kept flew for 1 hour until down to Sioux City Airport,

Iowa.   We finished our drinks when Steward took them away.

Near to Airport,  our airplane was coming to touch and bounced

on the runaway.   I felt different between North Central Airlines

and Braniff International Airways.  We got up from our seats and

walked downstairs out of the airplane to the ground.  Grandma

asked me to see and wave my Aunt Ruth and Uncle Art Books

(Grandma’s Sister and Brother-in-Law) at front large window

airport.  We entered the door where we hugged Aunt and Uncle

on beautiful sunny day.



Rosemary Reding Peterson

On September 12, 2010, Grandma, 85 passed away in Wichita, Kansas.

She born in Sioux City, Iowa. 

She was a Teacher at McLean’s Elementary School under the Wichita Public Schools before retired in 1990.

She departed her beloved husband, Leonard, deceased son, James, 2 survivor daughters, Janet and Lorry,

3 grandchildren, Brent Hisel, Kent Barnes, Lyndsay Stauble

and 7 grand, grandchildren. 




Saturday, September 3, 2011

Amtrak Train Trip Cheaper Than Driving




Kansas City-St. Louis

248 miles; $51.75 driving; $28 on Amtrak

The state of Missouri is a big Amtrak booster, heavily supporting the two trains a day that cross the state's midsection. That has paid off; according to the Missouri Department of Transportation, ridership has been steadily growing.

There's one downside, though: the Missouri River Runner line takes more than 5½ hours to run down the I-70 corridor, more than an hour longer than the average driving time. As with the New York-Montreal run, Amtrak doesn't own these tracks, and freight trains often take precedence. If the Missouri River Runner actually chugged along at the 79 miles per hour that Amtrak trains are capable of, it would cross the state in under 3½ hours.

Read more:

In Fall 1992, I lived in Kansas City Downtown, Missouri while I was a Solo Traveler.  I bought a Round Trip Ticket for St. Louis Weekend.   My Group and I rode in our Amtrak Train between Kansas City and St. Louis, Missouri.   I enjoyed visiting and sighting some interest of places include the Arch, Old Union Station and Downtown in St. Louis.

Inside the Amtrak Train,  I sat relaxing and saw the window across the rural during daytime depart Kansas City and evening time depart St. Louis.  Passengers and I walked to the Food Café and carried our small box including beverage and meal back to our seats or sit in some tables after paid to Clerk on the counter.

In Fall 1976,  Kansas State School for the Deaf, Emery Hall Elementary School, some classmates and I rode in our first way Amtrak Train from Kansas City to La Plata Station, Missouri during daytime.  We enjoyed eating our lunch bags and played in the park and rode in our one way school bus to Kansas State School for the Deaf, Olathe, Kansas from La Plata, Missouri.  What a long trip!  I never forget about my Childhood and School Trip well.

Last February 2010,  I videotaped over the rural from Newton, Kansas (my hometown, Wichita, KS, 30 miles) to Kansas City, Missouri.  I enjoyed watching my favorite traditional sunrise time. 

Coming to Kansas City Union Station, I finally videotaped there before end time.

Closing time, I saw my favorite Union Station since my Childhood time before the years changed around there.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My First Flight with Virgin America / Mi Primer Vuelo con Virgin America


VA Logo

Virgin America, Inc. is a United States-based low-cost airline that began service on August 8, 2007. The airline's stated aim is to provide low-fare, high-quality service for "long-haul point-to-point service between major metropolitan cities on the Eastern and West Coast seaboards." San Francisco International Airport is Virgin America's principal base of operations and sole hub. Virgin America's frequent flyer program Elevate runs on a "dollars spent versus miles accrued" model.

Virgin America, Inc. es uno de los Estados Unidos basada en aerolínea de bajo costo que inició sus operaciones el 8 de agosto de 2007. El objetivo declarado de la compañía es proporcionar a bajo coste, alta calidad de los servicios de "larga distancia punto a punto de servicio entre las principales ciudades metropolitanas en el este y litorales de la Costa Oeste." San Francisco International Airport es la base principal de Virgin America de operaciones y centro único. Programa de viajero frecuente de Virgin America Elevar se ejecuta en un "dinero gastado en comparación con las millas acumuladas" del modelo.

Sir Richard Branson with VA Plane Sir Richard Branson

Virgin America, though the brainchild of British entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson, is a U.S. airline. By law, no more than 25% of a U.S. airline may be owned by foreign interests and must be under the "actual control" of U.S. citizens; Black Canyon Capital LLC owns 75% of the capital stock and is responsible for appointing two-thirds of the voting members of the board of directors. The remaining 25% of the company is owned by Virgin Group, which also licenses the Virgin brand to the airline.

Virgin America, a pesar de la creación del empresario británico Sir Richard Branson, es una aerolínea de EE.UU.. Por ley, no más del 25% de una compañía aérea de EE.UU. puede ser propiedad de intereses extranjeros y debe estar bajo el "control efectivo" de ciudadanos de los EE.UU.; Cañón Negro Capital LLC posee el 75% del capital social y es responsable de nombrar a dos tercios de los miembros votantes de la junta directiva. El 25% restante de la compañía es propiedad de Virgin Group, que también licencia la marca Virgin a la aerolínea.

Inside the Cabin / Dentro de la cabina

VA SeatsGlow VA 3

Glow VA 2  Google Map GPS VA

Keyboard and Screen Window VA  Orders on Screen VA

KeyBoard for Chat, TV / Movie Channels and Games /

Teclado para los canales de Chat, TV / Cine y Juegos

Food Orders on Screen for Swipe Major Credit / Debit Cards /

Los pedidos de alimentos en la pantalla de Pase de crédito / débito

VA Economy Class

Main Cabin / Cabina Principal

Main Cabin seats offer 32 inches (810 mm) of pitch and are 19.7 inches (500 mm) wide with power-ports and adjustable headrests. In Main Cabin, Red offers free live satellite television, pay-per-view on-demand movies and on-demand television shows, a small selection of free games and a larger selection of games for purchase. Passengers can purchase snacks, meals, and alcoholic beverages from their seats via Red. Flight attendants receive the orders via a tablet PC on the food cart thereby eliminating the traditional food and beverage service.

Asientos de la cabina principal con 32 pulgadas (810 mm) de altura y son 19,7 pulgadas (500 mm) de ancho con el poder-los puertos y cabeceras ajustables. En la cabina principal, Red ofrece televisión satelital en vivo gratis, de pago por visión a la carta películas y en la demanda los programas de televisión, una pequeña selección de juegos gratis y una mayor selección de juegos a la venta. Los pasajeros pueden comprar refrigerios, comidas y bebidas alcohólicas de sus asientos a través de Red. Los asistentes de vuelo reciben los pedidos a través de un Tablet PC en el carrito de la comida lo que se elimina la tradicional comida y bebida.

VA First Class

First Class / Primera Clase

First Class seats offer 55 inches (1,400 mm) of pitch and are 21 inches (530 mm) wide. The seats feature power-ports, adjustable headrests, a massage function, and various recline controls. Passengers seated in first class receive complimentary meals, refreshments, and alcoholic beverages and receive dedicated airport check-in, security screening, and aircraft boarding. In first class, Red offers free live satellite television, free on-demand movies, free on-demand television programming and a selection of games.

Asientos de primera clase cuenta con 55 pulgadas (1.400 mm) de altura y de 21 pulgadas (530 mm) de ancho. Los asientos disponen de alimentación-puertos, reposacabezas ajustables, una función de masaje, y los diversos controles de reclinación. Pasajeros sentados en primera clase recibir comidas gratis, refrescos y bebidas alcohólicas y recibir al aeropuerto de check-in, controles de seguridad, y el embarque de aeronaves. En primera clase, Red ofrece televisión satelital en vivo gratis, gratis películas a la carta, gratuitos en la demanda de programas de televisión y una selección de juegos.

Fleet / Flota

VA over SF Red Bridge VA descend down

End of Virgin Tail

On September 6, 2008, I returned from London, England (Heathrow International Airport) to Washington, DC (Dulles International Airport, Virginia) before rode in my first Virgin America airplane departed Dulles International Airport, flew during 4 Morning hours and arrived San Francisco International Airport on September 7, 2008.

Secondly, My other Virgin America airplane departed San Francisco International Airport and arrived Los Angeles International Airport for 1 Afternoon hour after few stay days of San Francisco.

El 6 de septiembre de 2008, regresé de Londres (Heathrow International Airport) a Washington, DC (Dulles International Airport, Virginia) antes de que iba en mi primer avión de Virgin America partió del aeropuerto internacional Dulles, voló durante cuatro horas por la mañana y llegó a San Francisco Aeropuerto Internacional el 7 de septiembre de 2008.
En segundo lugar, mi otra Virgin America avión partió del Aeropuerto Internacional de San Francisco y llegó a Los Angeles International Airport de hora tarde después de una estancia de días algunas de San Francisco.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Necker Island (British Virgin Islands) / (Islas Vírgenes Británicas)


Richard Branson's House Burned / Casa de Richard Branson, Quemado











File:Necker Island logo.png

Un letrero dice "La isla privada de Sir Richard Branson".

En las primeras horas del Lunes, 22 de agosto 2011, La Casa Grande, como se le llamaba, se quemó en un incendio cree que es causada por un rayo de la tormenta tropical Irene. La casa estaba ocupada en ese momento por un máximo de 20 personas, con el propio Branson permanecer en una residencia cercana. Todos los 20 de los invitados salieron ilesos de la casa en llamas, que se decía que había sido totalmente destruida, según Branson. Entre los 20 ocupantes fueron la actriz Kate Winslet, junto con Eva Sir Richard madre de 90 años de edad y sus 29 años de edad, hija Holly, cuando el incendio se desató en las primeras horas de la mañana.

Translation from Spanish to English: / Traducción del Español al Inglés:


In the early hours of Monday, August 22, 2011, The Great House, as it was called, burned down in a fire believed to be caused by lightning from Tropical Storm Irene. The house was occupied at the time by as many as 20 guests, with Branson himself staying in a residence nearby. All 20 of the guests escaped unhurt from the burning house, which was said to have been totally destroyed, according to Branson. Among the 20 occupants were actress Kate Winslet, along with Sir Richard's 90-year-old mother Eve and his 29-year-old daughter Holly, when the blaze broke out in the early hours of the morning.

República Dominicana y Necker Island, Islas Vírgenes Británicas


Por favor, haga clic en el color amarillo en negrita subrayado antes de ver este mapa. / Please click this yellow bold underline before see this map.


Necker Island es una pequeña isla en las Islas Vírgenes Británicas, al norte de Virgen Gorda, ubicada a 18 ° 31'38 "N 64 ° 21'29" W. Todos los de la tierra en la isla es propiedad de Sir Richard Branson, famoso por su marca Virgin, y forma parte de la cartera de Virgin Limited Edition de propiedades de lujo. La isla entera funciona como un centro turístico y con capacidad para 28 personas.

Necker Island is a small island in the British Virgin Islands just north of Virgin Gorda, located at 18°31′38″N 64°21′29″W. All of the land on the island is owned by Sir Richard Branson, famous for his Virgin brand, and it is part of the Virgin Limited Edition portfolio of luxury properties. The entire island operates like a resort and can accommodate up to 28 guests.


Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson (nacido el 18 de julio 1950) es un magnate de negocios británico, más conocido por su grupo de la Virgen de los más de 400 empresas.
Su primera aventura empresarial exitosa fue una revista llamada Student a los 16 años. En 1970, creó un registro de audio de pedidos por correo de negocios. En 1972, abrió una cadena de tiendas de discos, Virgin Records, más tarde conocida como Virgin Megastores. Marca Branson, Virgin creció rápidamente durante la década de 1980-como lo estableció Virgin Atlantic Airways y ampliado la etiqueta Virgin Records música.
Richard Branson es la quinta persona más rica del Reino Unido y 254 en el mundo, según Forbes 2011 'lista de los multimillonarios, con un valor neto estimado de alrededor de £ 2580 millones (EE.UU. $ 4,2 mil millones).


Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson (born 18 July 1950) is a British business magnate, best known for his Virgin Group of over 400 companies.
His first successful business venture was a magazine called Student at age 16. In 1970, he set up an audio record mail-order business. In 1972, he opened a chain of record stores, Virgin Records, later known as Virgin Megastores. Branson's Virgin brand grew rapidly during the 1980s—as he set up Virgin Atlantic Airways and expanded the Virgin Records music label.
Richard Branson is the 5th richest person in the United Kingdom and 254th in the world according to Forbes' 2011 list of billionaires, with an estimated net worth of approximately £2.58 billion (US$4.2 billion).


Kate Elizabeth Winslet (nacido el 5 de octubre de 1975) es una actriz Inglés y cantante ocasional. Ha recibido varios premios y nominaciones. Ella era la persona más joven en acumular seis nominaciones al Oscar, y ganó el Oscar a la Mejor Actriz por The Reader (2008). Winslet ha sido aclamado tanto para el trabajo dramático y cómico en proyectos que van desde el período de películas contemporáneas, y de las grandes producciones de Hollywood de películas independientes con menos publicidad. Ha ganado premios de la Screen Actors Guild, de la Academia Británica de Cine y Televisión, y la Asociación de Prensa Extranjera de Hollywood, entre otros, y ha sido nominado dos veces para un Premio Emmy por la actuación de la televisión.

Kate Elizabeth Winslet (born 5 October 1975) is an English actress and occasional singer. She has received multiple awards and nominations. She was the youngest person to accrue six Academy Award nominations, and won the Academy Award for Best Actress for The Reader (2008). Winslet has been acclaimed for both dramatic and comedic work in projects ranging from period to contemporary films, and from major Hollywood productions to less publicised indie films. She has won awards from the Screen Actors Guild, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, and the Hollywood Foreign Press Association among others, and has been nominated twice for an Emmy Award for television acting.

Branson se enteraron de que algunas de las islas en las Islas Vírgenes Británicas estaban a la venta en 1979. En 1978 se trasladó a las Islas Vírgenes Británicas para pasar unas vacaciones con el fin de investigar el potencial de bienes raíces. En la primera observación de las islas, se prevé su utilización para poner las estrellas del rock por su sello discográfico. A su llegada, se les dio una villa de lujo y viajó alrededor de las islas a la venta en helicóptero. La isla último que vio fue Necker Island, y después de subir la colina y se sorprendió por la vista y la vida silvestre, se enamoró de la isla. Después de hacer una oferta lowball de 100.000 libras esterlinas para el £ 5,000,000 isla, sin embargo, fue rechazado y expulsado de la isla. Un rato más tarde, el propietario, Lord Cobham, en la necesidad de capital a corto plazo, con el tiempo se conformó con £ 180.000 después de que Richard Branson ha ofrecido su precio final de £ 175.000 tres meses antes de la venta real se llevó a cabo. Sin embargo, el Gobierno impuso una restricción relativamente común en los terratenientes extranjeros; que el nuevo propietario tuvo que desarrollar un complejo turístico dentro de cinco años la isla se revierte al Estado. Branson comprometidos, decididos a construir un centro turístico en la isla de ensueño tropical, a pesar de su capital relativamente modesta en ese momento en su carrera.


Branson first became aware that some of the islands in the British Virgin Islands were for sale in 1979. In 1978 he went to the British Virgin Islands for a holiday in order to investigate the prospective real estate. On first observing the islands, he envisioned using them to put up rock stars for his record label. Upon arrival, they were given a luxury villa and travelled around islands for sale by helicopter. The final island he saw was Necker Island, and after climbing the hill and being stunned by the view and wildlife, fell in love with the island. After making a lowball bid of £100,000 for the £5 million island, however, he was turned down and evicted from the island. A while later, the owner, Lord Cobham, in need of short-term capital, eventually settled for £180,000 after Richard Branson had offered his final price of £175,000 three months before the actual sale took place. However, the Government imposed a relatively common restriction on alien landholders; that the new owner had to develop a resort within five years or the island would revert to the state. Branson committed, determined to build a resort on his tropical dream island, notwithstanding his relatively modest capital at that time in his career.


Cuando Branson compró la de 74 acres (300.000 m2) isla, que estaba deshabitada. Él compró la isla a la edad de 28 años, sólo seis años después de iniciar el grupo de la Virgen. Nos llevó 3 años y aproximadamente EE.UU. $ 10 millones para convertirlo en un refugio isla privada. El uso de piedra local, las maderas duras de Brasil, antigüedades, obras de arte y telas y muebles de bambú de Bali los arquitectos y diseñadores han creado un 10 dormitorio de estilo balinés villa corona una colina sobre la playa. Cada una de las 10 habitaciones tiene paredes abiertas dando una visión de 360 ​​grados y los vientos de refrigeración de cualquier dirección de la casa. La isla cuenta con alojamiento para 28 personas y alquila a EE.UU. $ 53.000 a $ 54.000 al día. Todo lo que incluye dos "privados" playas, piscinas privadas, pistas de tenis, vistas espectaculares, un cocinero personal, un equipo de unas 60 personas y una amplia gama de equipo para deportes acuáticos.

When Branson bought the 74-acre (300,000 m2) island, it was uninhabited. He purchased the island at the age of 28, just six years after starting Virgin Group. It took 3 years and approximately US$10 million to turn it into a private island retreat. Using local stone, Brazilian hardwoods, antiques, art pieces and fabrics and bamboo furniture from Bali the architects and designers created a 10 bedroom Balinese-style villa crowning a hill above the beach. Each of the 10 bedrooms has open walls giving a 360-degree view and cooling winds from any direction in the house. The island has accommodation for 28 people and rents out at US$53,000 to $54,000 a day. All that includes two "private" beaches, private pools, tennis courts, breathtaking views, a personal chef, a team of about 60 staff and a wide array of water sports equipment.


La isla está disponible para bodas, vacaciones de descanso, vacaciones deportivas y de alquiler completo, incluso para cualquier propósito. Uno de los invitados de alto perfil de los últimos es Larry Page, Google multimillonario co-fundador, que se casó con su novia, Lucy Southworth, en la isla a principios de diciembre de 2007. Página alquilado la mayoría de Virgen Gorda, así como Necker era demasiado pequeña para caber sus 600 + huésped del partido.

The island is available for weddings, relaxation breaks, sports vacations and even complete rentals for any purpose. One of the high profile recent guests is Larry Page, Google's billionaire co-founder, who married his girlfriend, Lucy Southworth, on the island in early December 2007. Page rented a majority of Virgin Gorda as well, as Necker was far too small to fit his 600+ guest party.

Aunque la tierra en la isla es totalmente de propiedad privada, en virtud de legislación de las Islas Vírgenes Británicas, todas las playas hasta la marca de agua son tierras de la Corona, y están abiertos al público. En la práctica, el personal de seguridad que acompañan a los huéspedes de Necker Island son conocidos por lo que hace difícil para los miembros ordinarios del público a disfrutar de las playas, sobre todo cuando los clientes de alto perfil en la residencia. En una de las ocasiones en las que la princesa Diana alojamos en el complejo, el personal de seguridad mantiene un perímetro de 150 metros alrededor de la isla, dentro del cual el público fueron excluidos.

Cuando la isla se va a comprar, los ambientalistas expresaron su preocupación de que Necker Island fue uno de los relativamente pocos lugares en el mundo que una rara especie de gecko, las Islas Vírgenes enano gecko, vive y se reproduce. Cuando Branson se le concedió una licencia de extranjero de la tierra titular para que pueda comprar la isla, fue condicionada a un acuerdo de Branson que ninguna expedición científica legítima para estudiar los geckos debe tener acceso completo y sin restricciones a la isla.

Sir Richard Branson residencia oficial y la situación fiscal es dependiente en su declaración que vive en esta isla.


Although the land on the island is entirely privately owned, under British Virgin Islands law, all beaches up to the high water mark are crown land, and are open to the public. In practice, the security personnel which accompany guests to Necker Island are known for making it difficult for ordinary members of the public to enjoy the beaches, particularly when high profile guests are in residence. On one of the occasions when Princess Diana stayed at the resort, security personnel kept a 150 metre perimeter around the island, within which the public were excluded.

When the island was being purchased, environmentalists expressed concerns that Necker Island was one of the relatively few places in the world that a rare species of gecko, the Virgin Islands dwarf gecko, lives and breeds. When Branson was granted an alien land-holder's licence to enable him to purchase the island, it was made conditional upon Branson's agreement that any legitimate scientific expedition to study the geckos should have full and unfettered access to the island.

Sir Richard Branson official residency and tax status is reliant on his declaration that he lives on this island.

In Cuba, license plates tag drivers, not the car

HAVANA (AP) – It's Cuba's twist on "you are what you drive": Here, you are your license plate. 
A rainbow of colors and an alphabet soup of codes tell the discerning eye how important you are in the egalitarian revolution as you whiz by — your nationality, what you do for a living and often how high you rank at work.
"The kind of car you drive says something," says Norberto Leon, a retiree who collects pocket change for watching parked cars. "The license plate, it says more."
Cuba's painstaking color-coding of license plates — a system copied from the former Soviet Union — is one way authorities have kept tabs on people and their vehicles for decades.
The government owns most cars. They have blue plates with letters and numbers that indicate when and where the vehicle can operate and whether the driver can use it for personal as well as professional reasons.
Inspectors wait along highways out of town and other high-traffic areas, stopping official cars to check their route sheets and to make sure they aren't being used for a jaunt to the beach.
Executives at government-run firms — who get caramel-colored plates — have more leeway. But even they may only be allowed to use their cars to get to and from work. 319234_10150412402857738_725337737_10662521_3737234_n
"It's a form of control," said Weichel Guera, a National Office of Statistics chauffeur who is assigned a government sedan that he can use only to ferry top officials during business hours. He and his Lada spend most of their time parked outside the statistics building.

In the Soviet Union, Cuba's benefactor in many regards, all plates were black and white, and the first two letters specified the province where the vehicle was registered. The third letter denoted either state or private ownership.
The Soviets also assigned numbers for embassy license plates based on a country's recognition of the Bolshevik Revolution: Plates for Britain — the first to accept the czar's ouster — are still 001.
In Cuba, the first letter in the license plate indicates which of 14 provinces the car hails from, such as "H" for Havana. The letter "K" means the car is privately owned — either by a person or by a foreign firm.
Military vehicles have mint-green, rear-only plates; olive-green plates are for vehicles issued by the Ministry of the Interior, including Fidel Castro's fleet of armored Mercedes 280s, which were built between 1982 and 1984.
Black plates are for foreign diplomats, who don't have to adhere to traffic laws. White-plated vehicles of Cuban government ministers or heads of state organizations also drive as if they have diplomatic immunity — though technically they don't.
The last three digits on diplomatic plates often denote the professional rank of the driver. So, if you're stuck behind a gray Mercedes with black license plate 179-004, that means the fourth most-important officer from the Russian embassy is likely behind the wheel.
"Everyone's supposed to be equal under socialism, but when a late-model sedan with black license plates roars down Quinta Avenida (Fifth Avenue) in Havana, the driver is saying, 'Look out, I'm a big shot,'" said Tracey Eaton, a US journalist once posted in Havana who now writes the blog "Along the Malecon."
For years, officials' cars were Iron-Curtain imports, as Cubans were encouraged to drive Ladas or other boxy, smelly and slow models. Now many official sedans are imported from China or bought from Havana's Peugeot, Fiat and Mercedes dealerships, adding diversity to the white-plated fleet.
Rental cars get maroon plates. Foreign journalists, religious leaders and Cubans working for overseas firms have neon-orange ones.
Red "provisional" plates allow vehicles to circulate while authorities sort out just what color tag they should get.313210_10150412402902738_725337737_10662523_1127911_n
Most of the half-century-old American roadsters that create a moving museum along the island's potholed streets have yellow license plates, meaning they are vehicles owned by ordinary Cubans.
The holdovers from Detroit's chrome-and-tail-fin era are still prominent on the roads because Cubans with non-VIP jobs can buy and sell only cars manufactured before the Castros took power in 1959. Buying newer vehicles requires government permission — including justifying how you can afford a car when the communist state controls well over 90 percent of the economy and pays employees an average of about $20 a month.
"It's normal," insisted Leonardo Rodriguez, 49, whose faded, baby-blue 1957 Buick Special has yellow plates and a front grill wide enough for a family of five to picnic atop.
"Maybe it's confusing for a foreigner, but for us it's not."
( Updated February 11, 2010 05:00 AM

Saturday, August 13, 2011




La Asociación Nacional de Sordos (NAD) fue fundado en Cincinnati, Ohio en 1880 como una organización sin fines de lucro dirigida por las personas sordas para abogar por los derechos de sordos. El primer presidente de la organización era Robert P. McGregor, de Ohio. Se incluye a las asociaciones de los 50 estados y Washington, DC. También es el miembro estadounidense de la Federación Mundial de Sordos, que tiene más de 120 asociaciones nacionales de personas sordas, como miembros. La oficina de la sede en Silver Spring, Maryland. Todos los presidentes de la NAD llegaron tarde-ensordecido hasta la década de 1970. El NAD es el encargado de los programas de Miss Sorda embajador de Estados Unidos que se celebran durante las convenciones de las asociaciones. El NAD ha abogado por los derechos de personas sordas en todos los aspectos de la vida del transporte público a la educación.

Declaración De La Misión

El NAD describe sus metas y objetivos:

"La misión de la Asociación Nacional de Sordos es promover, proteger y preservar los derechos humanos civiles, y lingüística de los sordos e hipoacúsicos personas en los Estados Unidos de América."

Mientras que el NAD trabaja para las personas sordas que también trabaja para promover el conocimiento acerca de los derechos, la cultura y el lenguaje de los sordos a las personas oyentes.


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A partir de principios de la NAD trabajado para preservar la lengua de signos, especialmente bajo la presidencia de George Veditz. Durante su mandato como presidente, Veditz y otros miembros de la NAD utilizado la tecnología de la nueva película de captura de las personas que firmen para asegurarse de que su lengua no se perdiera.

George William Veditz (agosto 13ro, 1861-03 12o, 1937) fue un ex presidente de la Asociación Nacional de Sordos de los Estados Unidos y fue uno de los primeros en el lenguaje de señas de cine estadounidense.

Primeros Años De Vida

Él nació de dos padres que fueron inmigrantes alemanes. A los 8 años que se enfermó y quedó sordo de escarlatina. Después de intentar sin éxito desde hace algunos años, después de haber sido educado por un instructor privado, ingresó en la Escuela para Sordos de Maryland en 1875. Después de esto él asistió a la Universidad Gallaudet, en donde él estudió para ser profesor. Durante el tiempo de Veditz como estudiante, la universidad era conocida como la "National Deaf-Mute College" en el Instituto Columbia para Sordos. En 1894 pasó a llamarse Universidad Gallaudet, y más tarde se convirtió en la Universidad de Gallaudet.

Carrera como profesor

Después de su graduación de Gallaudet (Washington, DC) en 1884, comenzó a trabajar como profesor en la Escuela para Sordos de Maryland. También continuó sus estudios en Gallaudet (Columbia) y obtuvo una maestría en artes en 1887. Al año siguiente, en 1888, aceptó una nueva posición en la Escuela de Colorado para Sordos, donde trabajó como profesor de otros diecisiete años. [1] Antes de mudarse a Colorado, fundó la Asociación de Personas Sordas de Maryland.

El presidente de la Asociación Nacional de Sordos

En 1907 fue reelegido presidente de la Asociación Nacional de Sordos de los Estados Unidos (NAD). Su mayor preocupación entonces era la preservación de la lengua de signos, que vio como amenazada por el avance de las propuestas oralista en las escuelas. En ese momento el cine comenzó a hacerse popular, y Veditz dedicó el NAD para reunir dinero para financiar las grabaciones de los discursos en lengua de signos.

El proyecto, que comenzó en 1910, con el objetivo de filmar a los usos magistral del lenguaje de signos. Una de las personas se registró el entonces director de Gallaudet, Edward Miner Gallaudet. Los disparos de la NAD es el primer registro realizado las lenguas de signos en el mundo, y se consideran un valioso documento de la historia de Sordos. En su rodaje, Veditz hace una defensa entusiasta del derecho de las personas sordas a utilizar el lenguaje de señas, habla de su belleza, así como su valor para la humanidad. La Biblioteca del Congreso anunció el 28 de diciembre de 2011 que se había nombrado a la histórica película de 1913, la preservación de la lengua de señas, para su inclusión en el Registro Nacional de Cine.


Veditz murió en 1937, cuando tenía 75 años de edad.



Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 235th Anniversary of the U.S. Independence Day!


Today is July 4th, 2011.  All Federal and State Government Agencies are closed least Public Buses, Trains, Departments of Fire, Corrections and Police stay to open and serve in United States.  Because we honor our legal holiday day, U.S. Independence Day!

We are very surprised to see on MSNBC Channel on Direct TV showing the State of Florida Court stay to open and serve in Orlando, Florida today.  Because the Court was served on Sunday, July 3rd, 2011 on first time than no Courts allowed to open and serve on Saturday and Sunday in United States.

Typically, Most Courts always serve on Business Days following Monday to Friday than Saturday, Sunday and Holidays.  We are Taxpayers to pay our money on Courts to serve in United States.

Well, I think State of Florida Court in Orlando, Florida is crazy to me and Americans today.  I have no idea about the Court decide to not follow to Federal Holiday Law so Judge Belvin Perry, 9th Judicial Circuit decided to order the Court to serve on Sunday and Independence Day on first time as new U.S. History time.




Friday, June 24, 2011

Peter Michael Falk


I am very shocked to see the news of my favorite American Actor, Colombo today.   Peter, 83, passed away in his Beverly Hills home in Los Angeles, California on Thursday, June 23, 2011.

I loved him so he usually made me and people laugh so he was in action of Colombo.  I am fond of his big humor so far.


Peter Michael Falk (September 16, 1927 – June 23, 2011) was an American actor, best known for his role as Lieutenant Columbo in the television series Columbo.

In 1968 he starred with Gene Barry in a ninety-minute TV pilot about a highly-skilled, laid-back detective. Columbo eventually became part of an anthology series entitled, The NBC Mystery Movie, along with McCloud and McMillan And Wife. The detective series stayed on NBC from 1971–1978, took a respite, and returned occasionally on ABC from 1989–2003. He was "everyone's favorite rumpled television detective", writes historian David Fantle. Describing his role, Variety columnist Howard Prouty writes, "The joy of all this is watching Columbo dissemble the fiendishly clever cover stories of the loathsome rats who consider themselves his better."






A family statement said he "died peacefully at his Beverly Hills home" on Thursday, June 23, 2011. He had been suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's disease, according to his daughter, Catherine Falk.
