Monday, September 12, 2011

My First Time with Braniff International


Braniff Logo  I am telling my story to you all.

I remembered about Braniff International Airways service in

America.  I was 7 years old.  My 3rd Grade Teacher took me

and my classmates to the Kansas City International Airport,

Missouri from Kansas School for the Deaf, Olathe, Kansas

during Fall 1974.   We visited to the Braniff International

Terminal when I begun to see and learn on airplane including

inside the cabin, cockpit, galley and restroom.  Pilot gave

some small toy paper aircraft to me and my classmates while

we stand with him in front of the airplane door inside the

walkway.  I did not fly this airplane yet.

Blue Braniff Intternational Later until Summer 1979, 

I was 13 with my Mother and Grandma inside the gate of

Mid-Continent Airport, Wichita, Kansas.  We saw nice design of

the Braniff airplane following the photo.  It arrived to our gate.

My Mother was not going with me and my Grandma, we hugged,

kissed and left her.  Grandma and I walked together inside the

walkway and arrived to the airplane.  Grandma presented our

tickets to Stewdress before entered the airplane.  We greeted

at crew friendly.  Pilot asked us if I want to see inside the

cockpit.   Grandma and I looked around it when I saw my

Mother in front of the window gate from cockpit window.

I started to wave over her when she begun to see me before

wave her hand to me and Grandma. I never forget this action.


Few minutes later,  we belted our seats together.  I sat on

window seat next to Grandma sat on center seat. Our airplane

started to run from the gate to the runaway while we saw

Stewdress to instruct the Safety issue to us and passengers.

Stewdresses checked on us and passengers to use our belts and

their belts safely before they walked back to galley seat. 

Our airplane started to get high speed and run, run, run,… I felt

very nervous when my hands tight on the handle while Grandma

hold my hand easily and I witnessed on window and finally ran

off the runway.  I was very thrilled to see beautiful white clouds

in air and full of green land.

Inside our cabin, I saw some Stewdresses carried the beverage

tray to passengers and us.  I took a Orange Juice and Grandma

took same drink.  We enjoyed viewing over the clouds.  Grandma

and Passengers heard the speaker, I was unable to hear it and

enjoyed drinking.  Grandma told me about our airplane will fly

down to the runaway of Kansas City International Airport,

Missouri least 1 hour.

Few minutes, we finished drinking our drinks before Stewdress

collected our empty drinks away before we belted together.  

I saw near the green land, my hands tight on handle again.

Our airplane touched on the runaway safely.  It run down to low

speed well.   I saw some different airplanes (United Airlines

Delta Airlines) terminal.    Passengers, Grandma and I got up

and walked together to exit the airplane when we thanked our

crew friendly.

Grandma and I carried our 2 small bags with us and walked out

of front terminal and wait for airport bus to other terminal where

we took a different airline, North Central Airlines under the

Republic Airlines.

North Central Airlines Logol  North Central Airlines Plane

We arrived at the North Central Airlines Ticket Counter.

Grandma gave our tickets to agent before waited for our

beautiful historical airplane on the ground while we were

in the front window gate.  Few minutes until boarding time,

we walked downstairs out of the gate and inside the airplane

on my first time.  I saw inside the cabin describing big cozy

seat and large window like time of the 1940’s.   Grandma sat

on window seat and my aisle seat.   The airplane door closed

before the fan started to speed up and ran to the runaway.

It got higher speed and ran up to air, I enjoyed viewing the

large window.  Grandma and I enjoyed talking together before

Steward carried a beverage tray to us,  we took our Coke drinks.

Our airplane kept flew for 1 hour until down to Sioux City Airport,

Iowa.   We finished our drinks when Steward took them away.

Near to Airport,  our airplane was coming to touch and bounced

on the runaway.   I felt different between North Central Airlines

and Braniff International Airways.  We got up from our seats and

walked downstairs out of the airplane to the ground.  Grandma

asked me to see and wave my Aunt Ruth and Uncle Art Books

(Grandma’s Sister and Brother-in-Law) at front large window

airport.  We entered the door where we hugged Aunt and Uncle

on beautiful sunny day.



Rosemary Reding Peterson

On September 12, 2010, Grandma, 85 passed away in Wichita, Kansas.

She born in Sioux City, Iowa. 

She was a Teacher at McLean’s Elementary School under the Wichita Public Schools before retired in 1990.

She departed her beloved husband, Leonard, deceased son, James, 2 survivor daughters, Janet and Lorry,

3 grandchildren, Brent Hisel, Kent Barnes, Lyndsay Stauble

and 7 grand, grandchildren. 




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