Monday, May 23, 2011

Boatmen’s Bank became Kansas City Public Library


Brent with Boatmens Bank Front Door 1994

I left National Technical Institute for the Deaf in a campus of the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York on May 1992 before settled to live in Kansas City Downtown, Missouri where my old apartment building formerly hotel located on McGee Street next to old Federal Reserve Bank.  I was living alone in my Studio apartment on 10th Floor and viewed the Downtown.

I started to employ at Boatmen’s Bank on Baltimore Avenue and 10th Street since February 1993.  I finally moved out of my Studio Apartment to Country Plaza Club where 2 Apartment Building Towers located close to University of Missouri Kansas City campus. 

Downtown Apartment was a lot of awful and bad environment for me.  It was under Section 8 from HUD.  I settled to live in other Studio Apartment on 8th Floor at Tower Apartment.

I enjoyed watching, walking and shopping in the Country Club Plaza most time.  I loved the big circle fountain and beautiful park.

I traveled a lot between Kansas City, St. Louis, Missouri and New Orleans, Louisiana including Amtrak and formerly TWA planes during my holidays.

I had best memories with my young Manhood life. I can show my photos to you all.

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The former Boatmen’s Bank became Kansas City Public Library on present time.

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I remembered about my 3rd Floor where I used to work in the Transit Department including Sorter Room where our Department collect a lot of deposit bags with Commercial and Customers’ Checks.  I came in old 3rd Shift Supervisor’s Office where the big window centered under the full ceiling light.   The bullet hit and damaged on the left lower window.  I asked my Supervisor about it.  She told me about the window was nothing to do with bullet.   ( I came and visited to see inside the 3rd Floor where the window was still here.  I am shocked to see old bullet on window and think of it as good spirit to my life after 10 years from 1994 to 2005.)

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Left Side of the former Bank Building locate next to new Library Parking.   I used to work from the 3rd Floor where the Sorter Room located in there.  I used to see the old empty Parking Lot for Bank Employees from the 3rd Floor Window.

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The Kansas Public Library Parking built after the empty of former bank parking lot.

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The Old Sign of “Boatmen’s Bank First National Bank and Logo of Steamboat” removed from the Wall of the Right Building.

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There were 4 windows from former 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Shift Managers’ Offices.

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Brent stand behind the former Office of CEO Boatmen’s Bank.

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Brent stand on his old same place at former front bank door at Kansas Public Library in Spring 2009.

What do you think about my 2 photos of my Manhood life between Spring 1994 Vs. Spring 2009?

Yes, I am Modern Man.  Sadly, I missed my young Manhood. My age already pass on years.

I am glad to write on my Blog after there was no Internet time while I was Employee of the Boatmen’s Bank for 1 and half years starting February 1993 and ending December 1994.

Boatmen’s Bank begun to merge the Nationsbank before merged to Bank of America.

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