Saturday, March 26, 2011

Part II - Christmas Break 1974

Christmas Break started on December 1974.   Mr. Adams sent me and bunch of boys to our Trailways Bus to our hometowns.  I enjoyed riding in my bus.  We arrived from Olathe, Emporia, Newton to Wichita before our bus finally entered in the Wichita Bus Station.

Inside the Station, I saw Grandparents Hisel came out of the window doors while I saw Grandparents standing though the bus window, I walked out of it and hug with them.  We walked together and got in their Hornet American car and drove on Broadway, Douglas and Athenian Street to their home after left Downtown.

I was happy to see my nice room again inside their home.  My Parents were still working.  I played around and watched TV while Grandpa sit and read the Eagles Newspaper and Grandma was cooking our wonderful dinner.

Grandma asked Grandpa and me to come and sit in our table when we prayed for our dinner time.   We enjoyed eating our delicious meals.

I wait for my Parents to come here while I watched TV and their beautiful 1974 Christmas tree with a traditional colorful blubs in the living room and Grandparents cleaned the dishes in the kitchen.   Finally, Parents arrived here when they hug and kissed me.  Grandparents and parents sit together in our living room for short time before Parents and I got out of Grandparents' house and drove away.

What do you think those 3 photos?  The 1974 Cost of Living showed  United States Stamp 10 cents. The 1974 Christmas Card showed Mickey and his dog. 


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