Friday, April 8, 2011


Hello Friends and Family,  I enjoyed watching my personal DVD calling "JUICE", the classic movie from 1990's.  I bought the DVD from Pawn Shop only $2 last Wednesday, April 6, 2011.  I don't know about a fiction story with "JUICE" yet until I watched it tonight.

Q. Raheem. Bishop. Steel. They're four Harlem friends
who spend their days hanging out and looking
for a way to get the power and respect they call Juice.
Q hopes to earn it through an armed robbery.
And he wants his crew to be with him.

How far will you go to get it?

Ernest R. Dickerson, the acclaimed cinematographer whose collaborations with Spike Lee include Do The Right Thing and Malcolm X, makes his directiorial debut with this powerful morality take steeped in '90s urban lifestyle.

Features the cutting-edge music of Eric B. & Rakim, Naughty by Nature, Big Daddy Kane, Salt N' Pepa and others.  Juice has the juice. It filmed in New York City during '90s.


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